Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I was sat in the men's shoe section today on the ground floor of Lillywhites waiting to meet a friend when I heard a chirpy little voice with a Scottish accent say hello. I wasn't sure where the voice had come from but I turned and looked up to find nobody standing there. I then looked down and realised the friendly greeting had come from a little girl sitting next to me. Rebecca, aged 7, apparently had been to America only two days ago. I later found out from her older sister that they had gone to Euro Disney, not Disneyland. It's funny that I spoke to another 7 year old not too long ago that thought Paris was in America, as well.

I don't know what it is about kids, but for the most part I find them to be so endearing. Take for example this Rebecca. She still has a very limited concept of time, place, age, etc. She told me her mum was 20, surely, because her dad was 23. You might read that and think, wow, her mum got pregnant when she was 13?! Well, not really, as Rebecca also told me that her eldest brother was 15. So actually, her mum had only recently turned 42 or something. When I told her how old I was, she looked shocked and said, "But you look so young! You look like you're 90...no, I mean 19!!!"

I found the whole situation to be quite funny. Because two seconds later she asked if I had kids, to be shot down by her sister,"Rebecca! You've just met this lady and you're being so cheeky!Say you're sorree. And don't you dare ask if she's got a boyfriend, cause that's personal!" Sure enough, Rebecca turned to me and giggled, "I'm sorree! So, do you have a boyfriend?" My sides were starting to ache from all the laughter.

It's days like this that fill me with a warm glow--nevermind that the sun sets at 4pm and it's soon to be -10 degrees outside, because I've just spoken to the sweetest little girl and laughed until my cheeks hurt.

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